So, Halloween is over and I have Thanksgiving and fall on the brain. I even revamped my blog colors to reflect the season. I went out shopping for some fresh fall decor yesterday and guess what I found?
I have been bitten by the fall bug only to have Fa-la-la-la-la shoved at me everywhere I turn! Bah humbug! Ok, not really, but where the heck are the turkeys and the leaves?????? Apparently they morphed out, overshadowed by pumpkins and frankenstein and huge bags of candy and straight into Rudolph and Santa....
So, what's a girl to do? She hit the clearance section, where shockingly enough I managed to cull through the dredges and pull together something prety good! I already had an assortment of mini gourds and pumpkins from the trip to the pumpkin patch. I found a grapevine garland with acorns and berry effect. Next I headed for the basket section and I found a lovely dark brown to load up with the gourds and pumpkins.
Not what I had envisioned exactly, but nice none the less. I assembled it on the dining room table, gourds and pumpkins in the basket with the grapevine garland woven throughout. Not one comment from the members of my family. Apparently the men in my life (all six of them who live with me) are completely unmoved by my decor. But, I shall press on and gaze upon it's least until I put it aside for Rudolph!
3 days ago