I was at a propaganda meeting about mandatory state testing of third graders tonight. I bit my lip for a long time while they told us how HAPPY our children were preparing for the tests and how relaxed they were.
Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I had to mention my kid, the one who got 35 pages of mandatory homework (study prep) to complete OVER Sprink Break. The work was mandatory and oh, if they completed it they could take part in the Ice Cream Sundae party. If they didn't finish they could sit and watch the others.
Oh, and then last night we got 13 MORE pages to complete that night...
So, remember my kid...he's 9 years old, in tears every day about the work load...not understanding the work (some of the homework is on stuff they have NEVER been taught), etc. Last night he didn't want to go to scouts (for the third week) because he said he HAD to work on his math practice for the test...
So, last night after he had gone to bed we hear sobbing coming from his room....he was hysterically crying about the tests and the work and how if he doesnt get it done everyone will know and he won't get to have ice cream and....
So I asked how forcing homework in this manner on children was not contributing to the stress in the children. Yeah, ok...here's the response I got from one of the teacher's. "Well, I have had parents call me telling me their children are in tears, but I just don't see it. They're so happy and they are all getting their work done..." Yeah, because you keep telling them they have to or they WON"T GET TO PARTICPATE IN THE PARTY. You are threatening them...bullying even....
Thanks, I feel better now.....
Slow Start
1 week ago