Friday, April 25, 2008

GOOD morning!!!

This happened last week, but it is oh so relevant....

Last Friday, I awoke to a missing six year old and a bed/floor/rug/blanket covered in vomit....

Found said six year old in the basement watching tv. He vomitted during the night sometime and then found a couch to sleep on (in barfy clothes, so as not to WAKE us up! Nice....

While I appreciate the full night's sleep, the ants have discovered said bafy areas, I have a full load of barfy laundry to do and now I have a mattress that has vomit soaked into it.

The other boys had the lovely opportunity to breathe in barf fumes all night....


I feel pretty, oh, so pretty. I fell witty, and pretty, and gay!!!

Sing it with me....

Fortunatelty it ended there and no other DS fell victim to the barf wars!


Kerry McKibbins said...

Lol. sorry.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Gross!! I hate barfy messes.. especially DRY barf!

And you do realize the others are only a day or 2 behind him... better load up on detergent and get barf buckets by all the beds!