Seriously, what is wrong with today's youth? How have we allowed children to become tyrants? Bullies? Disrespectful? Seems to me that our kids need MORE instruction and discipline, not more mindless entertainment, entertainment that often includes violence, foul language, graphic images, lack of respect for authority, etc. If I am concerned about the community I live in now, goodness, where will we be in 20, 40, 60years?
Perhaps what our children lack is our time...time where we, the adults, set the tone, the pace, the EXAMPLE... I know plenty of kids who are polite, caring, respectful people. I am beginning to know more kids however who are not. Kids who will lash out and harm those around them at the drop of a hat or even for sport. Kids today, adults tomorrow...what will their future bring them and, in the end, us?
Slow Start
1 week ago
Yeah, no kidding. These are the people who will be running the nursing home, when we move in. I am not impressed.
A lot of parents feel "guilty" for not spending enough time with their kids so they never tell them "NO." It's sad.
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